xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

商業施設の会場に出現する雪のパレード - It’s snowing at Galeries Lafayette






It's snowing at Galeries Lafayette from Sky Boy on Vimeo.

Re-enchanting the outlet!

Galeries Lafayette has called on Sky Boy, the Paris-based startup behind the Overlapped Reality technology, to create a first-of-a-kind in-store immersive experience.

Au 2e étage du magasin principal, grâce à une application téléchargeable gratuitement sur Smartphones et tablettes, on se retrouve immergé dans une histoire onirique à 360° tout autour de la Coupole centenaire. Sur l’écran, pendant que la neige tombe, recouvrant ainsi l’ensemble de la Coupole d’un magnifique manteau blanc, un ours se déplace sous nos yeux comme s’il se mouvait au beau milieu des Galeries Lafayette.

On the second floor of the main store at Galeries Lafayette Haussmann Paris, shoppers are positioning themselves at one of the corbelled arches of the majestic dome, they point their device to a piece of paper showing a drawing of a polar bear to find themselves immersed in a dreamlike story that unfolds across 360° around the dome. A polar bear walks through the snow right before our very eyes as if it were actually roaming around inside the store! Virtual snowflakes fall, draping the entire dome in a beautiful white shroud.