xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

視覚障害者のための人口視覚技術搭載カメラ OrCam "says visually-impaired man fitted with OrCam"

イスラエルを拠点として2010年から製品を開発し販売している OrCam社。今までも何度も紹介しているが、進化を続けているようだ。このメガネをかけて対象物を見るだけで、その文字を読み上げてくれる。AIなどの技術を併用することで、より一層実用的な製品になることだろう。

For the visually impaired, simple tasks like reading a menu at a restaurant can be difficult, so much so that people are often forced to rely on others to help out.
But a Saskatchewan man is one of the first Canadians to try a new approach.
"It's opened up a whole new world for me," said Connor StandingReady.
What's opened up that world is something called the OrCam. It's a camera attached to a set of glasses. There's also a pocket-sized computer and an earpiece.
It sounds simple but the OrCam reads, and then sends the audio to the person who is wearing the device

"It helps with my day-to-day activities," said StandingReady. "It was kind of mind-blowing, actually."