xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

BABY SEEKER / THERMAID (24 hours tracking thermometer) - 赤ちゃん見守りのためのアプリ

赤ちゃんの見守りを強化することができるアプリとハードウェア2点を紹介。 これなら、安心して少しの外出もできるし。睡眠もとれるかもしれない。

赤ちゃんの様子をカメラで映して、外にいても見ることができる BABY SEEKER

BABY SEEKER App(demo)-baby monitoring cam from gimyosen on Vimeo.

This movie is an application flow movie of BABY SEEKER App.
The BABY SEEKER is a lamp type remote monitoring cam. it possible real-time monitor your baby, and sharing view & album,remote music play, microphone for communication and mood lamp.

こちらは、スマートフォンと連動して使用する、24時間赤ちゃんの体温に異変が無いかを見守ることができるスマート温度計 THERMAID。

THERMAID _ 24 hours tracking thermometer from gimyosen on Vimeo.

Thermaid is a heathcare thermometer that checks and record body, atmosphere temperature
and humidity of and around baby for twenty four hours.
Baby needs to be taking care for twenty four hours especially when seeping,
monitoring body temperautre needs to be done at all time.
There are numerous things to be checked and recorded when taking care of baby
but it's almost impossible to keep up with for twenty four hours.