xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

Mini is making augmented reality goggles for driving - BMW傘下のMiniがQualcommの技術を使用したARグラスを発表

BMW傘下のMINIが、2015年4月9日(現地時間)、MINIの自動車と連動して使用できる拡張現実技術が採用されたメガネ型の端末 "MINI Augmented Vision" を発表した。発売時期、価格、OS、CPU等は不明ということだが、私は類似した外観の製品を用意しているODG製ではないかと推測している。なぜなら、ODG製の製品には既にクアルコム社製のチップSnapdragon™ 805 が組み込まれているR-6S SMART GLASSESの発売が予定されいるからだ。

このウェアラブル端末は、カメラ、バッテリー、CPU、メモリなどが組み込まれており、単独で使用できるようだ。カメラを通して表示されるリアルタイムの風景にナビゲーション情報や走行速度などが表示される。死角となり来見えない歩行者などを見えるようにする「X-ray View」という機能も利用できるという。単に楽しんだり情報を表示するだけではなく、事故を減らすことができるならば素晴らしい製品になるだろう。

(via http://jalopnik.com/minis-newest-concept-is-a-pair-of-augmented-reality-x-1696871095)

Get X-Ray View with MINI Augmented Vision (via MINI) 

Mini is rolling out a new product, and no, it's not a car. Announced at the Auto Shanghai show, the Mini Augmented Vision is actually a pair of augmented reality glasses that offers up info about your ride in your field of vision

(via http://www.engadget.com/2015/04/09/mini-augmented-vision/?ncid=rss_truncated)

The following functions will be projected into the field of view with MINI Augmented Vision:
Destination entry for navigation and transfer to vehicle: Selecting destination points when outside the vehicle, then transferring them to the vehicle.
•First Mile / Last Mile: Navigation display from the current location to the vehicle or from the vehicle to the final destination.
•Head-up display functions: Display of speed, speed limits etc. in the eyewear so the information is in the driver’s primary field of view, with data always shown in same place above steering wheel to make sure that no road users are concealed from sight.
•Contact-analogue navigation and points of interest: Reality is enhanced by contact-analogue navigation arrows “on” the road, as well as display of points of interest along the route, such as open parking spaces. The driver´s attention can always stay focused on the traffic.
•Messaging: A small icon is shown in the eyewear when a message is received. The SMS/message can then be read out by the car while driving for safety.
X-Ray View / transparent vehicle parts: A virtual view through parts of the vehicle (such as A-pillars and doors) serves to render external areas or objects concealed by the car visible.
•Augmented Parking: This facilitates parking by projecting the images from a camera housed in the (farside) mirror into the eyewear. In this way, the distance from the curb can be clearly and easily ascertained.

(via https://practicalmotoring.com.au/car-news/mini-reveals-augmented-reality-glasses/)