xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

Google's augmented reality game 'Ingress' comes to Android Wear

我々は何のために、仮想の2つの国に分かれてこのゲームに参加するのだろう? という疑問がいまだにある Ingress。しかしながら、このゲームをもっと身近にするための腕時計が発売されるようだ。このために、あなたは初めて時計を装着するだろうか?或いは、2つの腕時計を装着するだろうか?そのような疑問とは裏腹に、Ingressは、まだまだ利用者を増やしているようだ。魅了されるユーザは増加し続けることだろう。

(via http://www.appbank.net/2015/02/28/iphone-application/990478.php)

Remember Ingress, the Google-developed project that entices you to get outside with the promise of some light gaming? On top of iOS and Android, it'll soon work on Android Wear, meaning you can join in the fun with your smartwatch rather than just your smartphone (though you'll still need that too, of course). The idea is to get teams together to play on either on the "enlightened" (establishment) side, or as a rebel on team "resistance." Senior members can create missions, in which players attack, defend or reinforce "portals" based on local landmarks like village squares or statues. The game notifies you when friendly or enemy portals are in range, and whether or not they're under attack -- with a Google Now-style card guiding you to the precise location, as shown below.

(via http://www.engadget.com/2015/02/27/google-ingress-android-wear/)