xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)


ソニーは、開発者向けにシースルータイプの眼鏡型端末「SmartEyeglass Developer Edition」(SED-E1)を3月に発売するという。価格は10万円(税別)。海外でもほぼ同様の価格となりそうだ。アプリケーション開発支援サイト「Sony Developer World」のSmartEyeglass専用ページで販売される。 産業用途のアプリ開発の促進をポイントにしてる点では、Google Glass のコンセプトとは全く異なるものだ。一般向け販売については「2016年内」を目標としているというから楽しみだ。

Take the Focus Off Your Face With Sony's Augmented Reality Glasses
Google Glass has (for the time being at least) died the death, but that doesn't mean the augmented reality specs fad has too. So long as you don't mind popping some butt-ugly frames on your noggin (and paying £520 for the privilege), from March you'll be able to grab Sony's SmartEyeglass SED-E1 Developer Edition.
(via http://www.gizmodo.co.uk/2015/02/take-the-focus-off-your-face-with-sonys-augmented-reality-glasses/)

SmartEyeglass Developer Edition SED-E1: true augmented reality

Full story: http://developer.sonymobile.com/2015/... SmartEyeglass Developer Edition SED-E1 is a transparent lens eyewear that connects with compatible smartphones to superimpose information onto the user’s field of view. SmartEyeglass Developer Edition SED-E1 includes unique holographic waveguide technology, which enables super-thin 3.0 mm augmented reality lenses with high transparency of 85% and excellent brightness, without any half mirrors that may obstruct the user's vision. SmartEyeglass Developer Edition SED-E1 will be available for sale in selected countries from March 2015.

Sony takes Pre-orders for Smart Glasses