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米玩具メーカーのマテルから、子ど向けVRグラス view-master を今秋発売予定カッコ【HMD 仮想現実】

2015年2月13日(米国現地時間)米玩具メーカー大手のMattelが、米Googleとの協力によってGoogle Cardoardの技術を採用する子ども向け仮想現実(VR)体験ヘッドマウントディスプレイ(HMD)を「View-Master」として今秋発売すると発表。希望小売価格は29.99ドルという。

The new View-Master, with Google Cardboard. (Google/Mattel) Google and Mattel on Friday unveiled a new View-Master toy infused with virtual-reality technology.

The Internet search giant and the toymaker plan to use Google’s Cardboard virtual-reality platform to offer virtual reality, augmented reality and “photospheric” images, using a smartphone as the display inside a plastic View-Master casing.

“We view this as just the beginning,” said Doug Wadleigh, a Mattel executive, adding that Google and Mattel will be testing and learning as they continue their partnership.

The companies plan to come out with the product in October, in time for the holiday season.

View-Master, a binocular-shaped Mattel toy created decades ago, was used to give kids 3D-like images by flipping through its picture reels. Early details of the new product are available at View-master.com.

(via https://www.yahoo.com/tech/mattels-view-master-gets-a-google-vr-makeover-110903020944.html)