xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

Augmented and virtual reality come together in Sulon Cortex

CES 2015 では、新しいタイプのHUDが多数展示されたようだ。密閉タイプでは、 Oculus Rift and Gear VR が有名だが、ここで紹介する製品はかなり未来的で大型だ。後頭部に球体の何か不思議なものが装着されているタイプもあるが、こちらは全方向を映すカメラのようだ。この形状では、特別な場所でのゲームや、シミュレーションなど特別な用途でのみの利用となりそうだが、ユニークな製品だ。

Are augmented reality and virtual reality mutually exclusive? One ambitious startup, Sulon Technologies, doesn't think so. Though it's still early days for the company's standalone Cortex AR/VR headset, it's managed to merge immersion and augmentation in some pretty fascinating ways. We spent some time with a prototype at CES 2015.

Apart from building a software library (an SDK is set to launch in the first half of 2015), the biggest next steps for the Cortex appear to be taking the rough edges off the prototype. The headset's display looked solid enough for the demo, but lags far behind Oculus and the Gear VR in terms of resolution and screen quality (Sulon wouldn't tell us what its resolution is, but we're guessing it's sub-720p). The gesture tracking was also, as we mentioned, choppy and inconsistent and the stereoscopic images weren't 100 percent lined up (there was a slight "seeing double" effect). The team is aware of these issues and, again, was merely showing us a prototype to showcase the device's potential. The same concept with a 1080p or Quad HD screen and smoother gesture tracking could make for some fun new takes on gaming.

(via http://www.gizmag.com/sulon-cortex-augmented-virtual-reality-headset/35485/)

The world is still waiting for a truly consumer-ready virtual reality headset. While we wait, I've had the opportunity to see quite a few contenders, some with haptics, others with 3D audio. However one of the more interesting devices on the market comes from Sulon Technologies in the form of the Cortex head-mounted display. Available for pre-order at $499, the headset combines VR and augmented reality, creating an interesting new experience.
(via http://www.tomsguide.com/us/sulon-cortex-headset-holodeck,news-20244.html)

(Company page: Sulon Technologies)