xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

Holoroom Time Lapse - Lowe's Innovation Labs

家具などを販売する Lowe's がユニークな試みを行った。用意された幾何的な模様が描かれた空間をスマートフォンタブレットのカメラをかざすと、そこには存在しないはずの空間がスマホの画面上に構成される。空間に自分が設定した家具を配置し、さまざまなかたちでシミュレーションができる。

The Holoroom simulator allows customers to walk around and see ‘their room’ while experiencing its dimensions and how they work in a 3D space.

Nestled between the cashiers and public washrooms at the Lowe’s store at Islington and the 401 isn’t the first place one would expect to find technological innovation, but the hardware retailer is hoping to surprise its customers with by launching what it is calling the Holoroom.

The company is launching an augmented reality simulator to help customers design and renovate their bathrooms. The actually Holoroom is little more than a metal frame and walls featuring designs of hammers and other tool patterns. Upon arrival a customer is greeted by a store employee who takes them through an iPad app, which starts with their room’s approximate dimensions, and then they can go through thousands of products, including paint swatches, fixtures and more, to custom design the bathroom of their dreams.

Once completed, they walk into the Holoroom, and with the iPad serving as a lens, they can see and walk around and see the room and get an experience of its dimensions and how it works in a 3D space. As well, they can change things on the fly, like changing the paint colour or a different mirror. The other really neat thing is that there is dollar total of the cost of the products, so in real time, the user can tweak items to try and see how it affects the price.

(via http://www.ourwindsor.ca/news-story/5154987-renovation-giant-mixes-augmented-reality-and-bathroom-renos/)

Lowe’s Holoroom is a home improvement simulator applying augmented reality to provide an immersive experience when planning a bathroom remodel or refresh project. Learn more here: http://bit.ly/1r2pwWf