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Airfix-style model kits by Robert Cooper are made from chocolate and wafer - ウェハースのパッケージでARが楽しめる


Central Saint Martins graduate Robert Cooper has created chocolate and wafer snacks that can be built into Airfix-style models, which are on display at the New Designers Part 2 exhibition that opened yesterday (+ slideshow).

In addition to constructing a model, the consumer can also use the packaging to create 3D images on a smart phone or tablet with augmented reality.

"The 3D image brings the packaging to life, creating the effect of a real dinosaur standing on the packaging, enriching the chocolate experience for a generation of children who are more used to HD video games than to the painted illustrations on a Airfix box that captured the imagination of previous generations," Cooper told Dezeen.

(via http://www.dezeen.com/2014/07/04/chocolate-air-fix-model-robert-cooper/)