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Pterosaurs: Flight in the Age of Dinosaurs - アメリカ自然史博物館で、恐竜をより知るためのARアプリ公開

アメリカ自然史博物館で公開されている「Pterosaurs: Flight in the Age of Dinosaurs」では、展示物だけではなく、生態を学ぶためのアプリ、 Pterosaurs: Flight in the Age of Dinosaurs や、恐竜カードなどで楽しめるアプリ Pterosaurs card game を公開している。

Pterosaurs: Flight in the Age of Dinosaurs is a great new show at the American Museum of Natural History, great for dinosaur lovers young and old. I recently attended a preview of the exhibit, where paleontologist curators Mark Norell and Alexander Kellner talked about pterosaur fossils and the formation of this new exhibit.

If you can’t make it to the museum, or you simply couldn’t get enough pterosaurs while you were there, fear not! Pterosaurs: Flight in the Age of Dinosaurs is also afree app, highlighting the main points of the exhibit with interactivity that lets you learn more about these crazy flying reptiles.

There’s also a Pterosaurs card game designed by high school students in the museum’s Science For the Win (#scienceFTW) program. You can print out cards found online and use the app for some augmented-reality pterosaur fun.

The Pterosaurs exhibit is now open, and it runs through January 4, 2015.
(via http://mediamacaroni.com/pterosaurs-take-flight-at-amnh/)