xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

MappaMi: Milan is a place to discover - ミラノの隠れた情報を知ることができるARアプリ


The Pixxie #MappaMi are in lots of places around Milan, they love romping around the city and you have to catch them to master the secrets that they hide. Just one problem: the Pixxie #MappaMi don't respect the laws of physics and, therefore, are invisible to the human eye. However, with Grabbers you can locate them all around you and discover the hidden parts of MIlan! From carnival time to the summer solstice don't miss #MappaMi -- the urban hunt organised by the municipality of Milan! 

1. Capture the Pixxies around the city and take pictures to share on the social networks.
2. Capture the families of Pixxies and obtain the secret stories of Milan to explore mysterious places in the city!
3. Challenge your friends in the ratings: collect all the Pixxies to unlock the levels and take advantage of special offers in the Milan Official Store. 

Do you want to have access to hidden places? Share your photos with #MappaMi and, each month, the best will be chosen and awarded a guided tour of an "Aperto per Voi" (Open for You) location.
Download the free Grabbers app
- iTuneshttp://bit.ly/mappami-ios
- Google Playhttp://bit.ly/mappami-android
(via http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyBTKYjmvvw&feature=youtube_gdata)