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拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

The Robot That Makes Virtual Sex Feel Real - オキュラス・リフトではこんな仮想体験もできるようだ


In the future, some people will choose to spend Valentine's Day alone, having virtual sex with a 3D avatar with the help of a fully responsive robotic assistant. And by the future, I mean maybe next year. Intrepid horndog hackers can do it right now.

Tenga is a Japanese manufacturer of disposable male sex toys—they make cylindrical "masturbation aids" that somehow don't seem as repulsive as the Fleshlight (perhaps mostly because they're not called a fleshlight). They're also promoting a jerry-rigged amalgam of software and robotics that's easily the closest you can come to having physical sex with a video game.

At a tech conference last fall, Tenga unveiled a crude contraption that allowed volunteers to participate in a simulation wherein they received sexual favors from an anime character through virtual reality goggles. Since then, they've updated the software and the graphics of the simulator, and are continuing to promote robot-assisted virtual sex.

"I think in the future, the virtual real will become more real than actual real sex," Tenga CEO Tsuneki Sato told me. He'd come by the Motherboard office to demonstrate the "future of masturbation," as he put it. "That's our slogan." He laughed. 

(via http://motherboard.vice.com/blog/real-sex-virtual-reality-oculus-rift-tenga)