xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

Flat Stanley Aurasma Project - 小学校の授業に取り入れらる拡張現実の授業 Aurasmaが採用

子供たちが、認識対象となるイラストと映像を自分たちで創作する。それがどのように表示されるのか。新な表現方法を学ぶことができる新しいタイプの授業だ。HP の Aurasmaが採用されている。

During this school year, I have really enjoyed going over to Kaechele Elementary School about once a month to help teach and integrate the Augmented Reality App, Aurasma into some classrooms.

Mrs. Hyman, the school librarian and information specialist, took the same Flat Stanley Project that most schools do to the next level. As usual, each student had to design their own Flat Self. This is where the similarities ended. Mrs. Hyman had each student create a video including the following:
1. Introduce themselves and their flat self
2. Go through their winter break adventure sequentially, showing their pictures and drawings
3. Wrap it up with a conclusion

After the students completed their projects, Mrs. Hyman used the studio.aurasma program to make the over 100 auras for all the 2nd grade students. The coolest part about this project is that Mrs. Hyman has connected with the infamous Shannon MillerTeacher Librarian & Technology Integrationist, from the Van Meter School in Iowa. This amazing librarian is completing the same project with her students. Once completed the schools are going to send their Aura Filled Flat Stanleys to each other for the students to scan and meet each other.

Flat Stanley Aurasma from Tyler Hart on Vimeo.

(via http://theglobalclassroomproject.wordpress.com/2014/02/13/flat-stanley-aurasma-project/)