xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

「音の彫刻」HoloDecks - Augmented Sound Sculpture - 音楽を立体的に可視化するAR


HoloDecks is an umbrella project for a number of studies which focus on transforming sound through different mediums. This study begins with a custom application built in openFrameworks which visualises audio from a song by Oneohtrix Point Never, titled Zebra. The base shape chosen for the visualisation is a disc which has always been a ubiquitous shape associated with music storage formats such as compact discs and vinyl records. Audio data from the song displaces the geometry of the disc to create a swirly visual echo of the audios last few seconds.

At any point in the visualisation, a snapshot of the generated 3d model can be taken. OpenFrameworks does a great job at exporting 3D models using the .ply format which then needs to be converted into .obj format so it can be printed with a Makerbot 3D printer. Up to this point, the sound has been transformed from pure audio data, into a software visualisation and then materialised into the real world using a 3D printer. A final transformation is undertaken by augmenting the 3D printed sound sculpture using a mobile device to see another layer of audio reactive visuals mapped to the object.

HoloDecks - Augmented Sound Sculpture from lukasz on Vimeo.

(more http://createdigitalmotion.com/2013/12/from-song-to-3d-model-to-augmented-app-visualizing-oneohtrix-point-never/)