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Woman Issued Distracted Driving Ticket for Google Glass Fights Back - 「運転中にGoogle Glass装着は違反?」というニュース


Google Glass Pioneer Issued Distracted Driving Ticket for Wearing Google Glass, Says She Will Fight Charge
A woman issued a ticket for distracted driving in California says that she will fight the charge, because simply wearing Google Glass is not illegal and does not imply impairment to her driving.
In a tweet about the incident, Cecelia Abadie, one of the pioneers behind Google Glass, said that she pleaded not guilty to the distracted driving charge in court on Tuesday, December 2nd. She acknowledges that she was wearing the high-tech augmented reality specs while driving, but she insists that the device was powered off at the time so she could focus on the road.

Distracted Driving in South Carolina

Distracted driving includes:

-talking on a cell phone
-eating and drinking
-talking to passengers
-grooming or putting on makeup
-reading books, newspapers, or even a map
-using a PDA or navigation system
-watching a video or playing on a computer or tablet
-playing with the radio, a CD or an iPod

(via http://stromlawaccidentlawyer.com/woman-issued-distracted-driving-ticket-google-glass-fights-back/)