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拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

The British Musuem: five lessons in augmented reality - 大英博物館でARを使用した体験提供

英国の大英博物館 パルテノンギャラリーで、芸術を楽しむための仕掛けとしてサムソンのタブレットが用いられている。古代エジプトをARで楽しみながら体験できるというものだ。


Since 2009, the British Museum has educated youngsters in Bloomsbury via its Samsung Digital Discovery Centre (SDDC). It’s free, and is the most extensive on-site digital learning programme of any UK museum. 

I went along to the British Museum last week to see the launch of a new image recognition and augmented reality (AR) app, A Gift for Athena, helping kids to engage with the museum’s Parthenon gallery. 

The app is simple in premise and use, but also a lot of fun, showing that augmented reality can succeed when applied in the right manner. 

In this post I’ll discuss why the app works, and what’s needed to succeed with AR.

With Samsung set to support the museum’s Discovery Centre for another five years, and this new app being the first of a series, we can expect more best practice to come. 

The British Museum has previous with AR, the mobile programme Passport to the Afterlife, which runs on Samsung Galaxy Nexus phones in the ancient Egypt galleries, being a notable success. 

The museum plans to use new technology to provide innovative in-depth activities including touch tables, 3D printing, 3D animation, as well as increasing use of augmented reality.

(via http://www.365online.nu/12/e-commerce-weblogs/the-british-musuem-five-lessons-in-augmented-reality)