xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)


英国のスズキが、精密なバイクの3DCGを楽しめるARアプリを公開した。スマートフォン向けの専用のアプリをダウンロードし、指定のイラストにカメラをかざすと 新V-Strom 1000の3DCGが表示され、楽しむことができる。大きなサイズで印刷すると実物大で見ることもできるだろう。 

Suzuki has launched a brand new Augmented Reality app for the new V-Strom 1000, the first time the technology has been used by a motorcycle manufacturer.


The app, available on both iPhone and iPad with an Android version set to follow soon, allows users to view Suzuki's new adventure machine in full 3D and in exquisite detail, all from the screen of their mobile device. The app allows users to select colour options and view the bike with or without accessories, as well as zoom in and around key features to further explore the new V-Strom 1000, which is set to arrive in February next year.


The app can be downloaded for free from the Apple store by searching V-Strom AR, with the target available to download from www.suzuki-gb.co.uk. To enter the competition, submit your image to editor@suzukibulletin.co.uk.

The new V-Strom 1000 is set to be launched next month and is scheduled to arrive in dealer showrooms from February. For more information on the V-Strom 1000, visit www.suzuki-gb.co.uk.

(via http://www.suzukipress.co.uk/?section=all-news&item=10255&start=0&num=10)