xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

Dental technology gets a new look with Henry Schein's augmented reality app - 歯科技師向けARカタログ


Test drive Henry Schein's augmented reality app 

If you have a mobile device, and Henry Schein's 2014 Equipment & Technology Catalog, you can try augmented reality right now. Just go to the Apple App Store or Google Play and download the free augmented reality mobile app called Henry Schein Xtra. Next, open the catalog and turn to a page that contains the augmented reality icon in the top corner. It designates the pages that contain interactive tools. Then, open the Henry Schein Xtra app and hover over the page with your device, being sure the entire page is displayed on your screen. Your device  will “scan” the page to find the augmented reality features, and then watch the ad come to life with on-screen button that launches a video.

As you’ll see, augmented reality puts you in control of your browsing experience because you engage with items that matter most to you in an informative new way. Plus augmented reality gives Henry Schein the opportunity to constantly update materials with new information, promotions, videos, and more so you always have the latest news at your fingertips. Thanks to this new innovation, Henry Schein’s printed catalogs and brochures can remain a doctor’s go-to resource for what’s new in dental technology today, tomorrow and months from now. Search for Henry Schein Xtra in the Apple App Store or Google Play to give augmented reality a try today.