xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

店舗内で開催中の宝探しゲーム - Little Fridge Augmented Reality App

2013年9月3日~11月10日の間にある、ニュージーランドのそ店舗内でスマートフォンのARアプリ"Little Fridge "を使用したキャンペーンが開催されている。特定の4つの商品のラベルを読み取ることで、楽しいアニメーションとともにスタンプを獲得することができる。もちろんこの宝を探すことで何かがもらえる!

Augmented reality app Little Fridge hits the supermarket aisles, and aims to change the way shoppers view instore promotions. Instore posters will come to life, glass cows will graze near the chiller, retail mailers will become animated and product information will be just an app away.
(via YouTube by Little Fridge)
(official site 
Add a fridge to your phone and shopping for groceries will never be the same. In-store posters will come to life, glass cows will graze near the chiller, retail mailers will become animated and product information will be just an app away. 
That’s what Fonterra Brands New Zealand’s Fresh’n Fruity, Tip Top, Anchor and Mainland brands and New World are now offering consumers through the Little Fridge app, part of the New World Little Shop promotion. It’s the latest in augmented reality (AR)* technology, a New Zealand first and it’s coming to a smart phone near you.
FBNZ Group Category Manager Carl MacInnes says augmented reality technology has been a big hit for retail brands globally over the last couple of years. He says after Kiwis download the Little Fridgeapp to their smartphones, shopping will never be quite the same.