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The next mouse-killer: Haptix 3D multitouch sensor turns any surface into a controller - 新センサー?

パソコンに接続して、マウスの代わりに操作できるセンサーとしては、Leap Motion が有名だが、どうやらそれだけでは終らないのかもしれない。ここで紹介する「Haptix 3D multitouch sensor 」もその一つだ。安価で高性能な非タッチタイプのセンサーの市場も熱くなりそうだ。

Is the computer mouse heading for extinction? With touchscreens becoming the input method of choice these days, all signs point to yes. And with more companies releasing alternative input devices, like motion control and eye tracking hardware, the need for a computer mouse is becoming less of a necessity. Yesterday, a company called Ractiv released its version the alternative mouse: the Haptix 3D multitouch sensor. 

Read more: http://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/haptix-3d-multitouch-sensor-aims-to-be-another-mouse-killer/#ixzz2cItuV68F 
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(via & more http://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/haptix-3d-multitouch-sensor-aims-to-be-another-mouse-killer/)