xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

Whoa, Disney Made Video Game Rumble Feedback for Kinect Motion

Disneyが取り組んでいる、視覚と触覚を組み合わせた拡張現実のデモ。Kinect と空気ロケット砲を放つ特殊なノズルを使用し、体感できるゲームを研究中のようだ。

Virtual reality only immerses two of your senses: sight and hearing. Not that we're dying for smell and taste in video games (bleh! Imagine first person shooters), but tactile feedback makes things feel a lot more real. Disney Research's Aireal does this by blowing puffs of air in your face, and it's not nearly as crazy as it sounds.

Inside the camera-sized device, five subwoofer-like actuators blast a very low frequency through a movement-following nozzle, creating a low-pressure ring of air traveling toward you. When the ring hits your skin, it collapses, and you feel a small, sharp puff. The frequency of the pulses can be varied to create different textures and sensations, and with a firing range of about six feet and 75 degrees of articulation, it's perfectly dialed in for Kinect-style close-range interaction.

(via & more GIZMODD http://gizmodo.com/whoa-disney-made-video-game-rumble-feedback-for-kinect-843248736)

(PDF http://www.disneyresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/AIREAL_ETech_Final.pdf)