xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

Augment your reality with AR Nordic! - 北欧の新聞などで利用使用されるARアプリ

"AR Nordic (Northern Europe)" is obtained AR experience you hold the camera to the print media newspapers, and magazines this.This app is based on the premise use Norway, Sweden, in Denmark.It is implemented by using the SDK for embedded application Layar AR platform of departure of Netherlands.
この、ARアプリ「AR Nordic(北欧)」は、ノルウェースウェーデンデンマークの新聞、雑誌、 ​​その他の印刷媒体にカメラをかざすとAR体験が得られる。オランダ発のARプラットフォームLayar(レイヤー)のアプリ組込み用のSDKを利用して実現している。


AR Nordic brings Norwegian, Swedish and Danish newspapers, magazines and objects to life using augmented reality technology. 

Simply point, scan and interact.
AR Nordic turns your iPhone into a tool for overlaying rich digital content around newspapers, magazines and even everyday objects.

The app can overlay and insert digital content and extras including:
•Text and links
•Images and galleries
•Social media integration

Objects must be AR Nordic enabled in order for the app to produce augmented reality information.
AR Nordic is made available by Boost Communications AS.