xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

Augmented Reality, Intelligent Mapping: Fashion And Tech Collide In China - 中国でもファッションで拡張現実が利用される



As China’s young, tech-savvy and mobile-obsessed middle-class consumers develop an interest in fashion, brands are finding that digital marketing via Weibo or WeChat might not be enough to drive shoppers to stores or boost online sales. In tandem with the smartphone boom that has swept China over the past half-decade has been a rise in popularity of apps that give shoppers not only a richer, more personalized experience but also a compelling reason to go from online to offline. (Which brands have traditionally done through in-store promotions or giveaways.)

Though some luxury, auto, and jewelry brands have experimented with tech-infused campaigns — here Buick’s augmented reality (AR) app springs to mind — fashion brands have been slower to incorporate cutting-edge tech into their China strategies.

However, this is changing, and changing quickly. This week, one of the more interesting collisions of fashion in tech and fashion in China is on display at the China International Clothing and Accessories Fair (CHIC), an 800 square meter “Fashion and Mobile Zone” developed by the fashion technology company 360Fashion. Running through March 29, the zone showcases how fashion brands can use augmented reality in retail spaces and advertising campaigns to boost their brand-building efforts, generate user interactivity, and drive offline sales.

(via & more http://www.jingdaily.com/fashion-and-tech-finally-starting-to-collide-in-china/24836/)