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Mobile Commerce: State of the Industry - March 22nd, 2013 By Alex K. Linsker

Smartphone has begun to transform global business  - 世界的にスマートフォンはビジネスの変革を開始している

---The following article is a quote all---

mCommerce in the World

According to Abi Research mCommerce market is going to grow in progression. In the closest future (till 2015) an overall turnover will reach 119 billion dollars (it is about 8% of the eCommerce market). It’s not surprising, as more and more sellers understand that potential buyers do not leave home without their phone(s). The United States and Europe will show a giant growth – the amount of mCommerce in U.S. in 2009 was 9 times less than in Japan ($ 1.2 billion vs. $10 billion, the data Abi Research).

In U.S., according to the Forrester’s forecast mobile commerce turnover will grow from 6 billion to $31 billion in 2016, which will be 7% of eCommerce in the country.

Major product segments in mobile commerce in U.S. – are travel services (31%) including tickets and hotels, computers/electronics (20%), clothes – (13%), books/music/DVD (9% ), office equipment (7%), household goods (6%), tickets to the cinema, theater or some other events (3%).


These days mobile devices i.e. mobile phones are much more popular than PC’s or laptops. According to the research of The International Telecommunication Union in October 2010, there were more than 7 billion mobile phones, exceeding the number of PCs about 3.8 times. They say that in 2013 it’s expected to sell more than a Billion of various handheld devices. It’s hard to believe, but in the United States the most popular smartphone OS is Android – 43.7%, followed by – iOS with a share of 27.3%.

instantShift - Mobile Industry Stats

Top 20 Mobile Industry Stats You Need to Know

  1. Nearly all Generation Y consumers owned a mobile phone of some kind and 72% owned smartphones.
  2. Tablets to hit 100M shipments in 2012.
  3. Over three-quarters of Americans age 43 and under now use a smartphone.
  4. 53% of American consumers use their smartphones to access search engines at least once a day.
  5. Globally, 80% of consumers have used computers to access the Web within the previous seven days. Sixty percent used their mobile devices to do so.
  6. US mobile subscriptions officially crossed the 100% penetration mark in Q4 2010.
  7. The smartphone market is now larger than the PC market. Smartphones outsold PCs in Q4 of 2010 101 million to 92 million.
  8. Smartphones and tablet computers will increase mobile Web traffic by 26 times during the next four years.
  9. 86% of mobile internet users use their mobile device while watching TV with 37% of those browsing the internet for non-related TV material.
  10. The number of Smartphone users worldwide is predicted to exceed 1 billion by 2014.
  11. 25% of US mobile web users only access the web from their mobile phones.
  12. 74 percent of online retailers have already, or are currently, developing a mobile strategy.
  13. The number of available mobile retail applications has increased 350% since 2010.
  14. 7% of Internet Retailer’s Top 500 e-retailers have downloadable mobile apps available to consumers.
  15. The number of US mobile coupon users will rise from 12.3 million in 2010 to 53.2 million in 2014, driven by the rapid adoption of smartphones.
  16. 54% use or would like to use digital touchscreens in-store.
  17. 80% of smartphone owners want more mobile-optimized product information while they’re shopping in stores.
  18. 46% of showrooming shoppers still ended up making a purchase in-store, an 11-point increase from 2011.
  19. 65% of U.S. shoppers research products and services on a PC and make a purchase in-store.
  20. Nearly 50% of shoppers believe they are better informed than store associates.
(via http://www.instantshift.com/2013/03/22/mobile-commerce-state-of-the-industry/ March 22nd, 2013 By )