xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

SoundARt [2012] - ARとサウンドを組み合わせた新しいアート


Julia Gerlach, Bernd Lintermann, Peter Weibel
SoundARt [2012]
7 Hörstationen in Augmented Reality

Entwickelt für die Ausstellung SoundArt, 17. März 2012--06. Januar 2013

Im Rahmen der SoundArt Ausstellung entstand die gleichnamige Installation, die an 7 Hörstationen in Augmented Reality verschiedene akustische Werke vorstellt. Wie die Arbeit von Julia Gerlach, Bernd Lintermann und Peter Weibel genau funktioniert gibt es in diesem Video zu sehen.

"SoundARt" goes far beyond the installative and sculptural spheres. In seven stations it stages acoustic works in the areas of soundscape, musique concrète, radio art, radioartemobile, intermedium, electronica, and noise in a special way and makes them accessible to visitors. Specialists have curated the individual themes. The seven thematic areas are marked off on a black strip on the floor that connects the two atria of the ZKM | Media Museum and gives the impression of being the display of a radio. Quadratic codes, similar to the well-known QR codes, are fixed to the floor, each work assigned its own code and is imaged as an oscillation graph. Using an iPad, which can be borrowed at the exhibition, the visitor can experience the works, which are made audible and visible as augmented reality in a 3D simulation as soon as the camera of the iPad reads the code. The iPad serves as the pick-up of the radio station and scans the frequency

(via YouTube by ZKMkarlsruhe)