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Q&A: Qualcomm on Augmented Reality for Enterprise #AR


CBR spoke to Qualcomm about the company’s intensive R&D work on Augmented Reality, and what the future might hold for enterprise.

Jay Wright, senior director of business management at Qualcomm, oversees the company's Augmented Reality programme, which is positioning itself as a new high-tech way for marketers and advertisers to reach consumers.

See CBR's feature story here for a quick backgrounder about Augmented Reality (AR), for those that aren't familiar with the concepts involved.

Jay Wright, senior director of business management, Qualcomm

Why has a mobile phone chip designer decided to become so interested in Augmented Reality, which is really a software application?

"Qualcomm started in AR about 3 years ago. Most of the things we look at in R&D are intended to drive additional computing requirements - we want to find applications that require more and more computing power, to put behind our primary business, which is chipsets."

"[AR] looked like something that would drive future computing power, because it's extremely computationally intensive."

Much of Qualcomm's focus has been less on GPS and compass based AR, but use of mobile devices' onboard cameras. It effectively operates as a 'computer eye' spotting objects, which it then overlays images in real time.

"You're effectively processing video streams in real time and looking for these objects frame by frame, while comparing them to the database of objects - which is hugely intensive."

(via & more http://www.cbronline.com/news/qa-qualcomm-in-augmented-reality-for-enterprise-200812)