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拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

Digital signages with 'augmented reality' feature would redefine the retail ecosystem in the Middle East: IEC #AR #DS

デジタルサイネージは進化を続け、拡張現実の技術と融合した。"SGI 2013"のショーは、ドバイ国際展示センターで1月20日から22日に開催される。世界30カ国から400以上の出展者が2012年のショーに出席したというから期待できそうだ。
Augmented reality is the technique of overlaying graphics on a real-world image so that the graphics enhance and re-contextualize the scene.  This feature is unique in the way it interacts with the user on a more fun and informative level.

“Digital signages with customised augmented reality feature would surely revolutionise the retail ecosystem. Earlier mobile phones were seen as an option and some carried it as a status symbol. But now mobile phones have become a necessity. Similarly a merchandiser without this ‘augmented reality’ feature will definitely lose out on the business from the early adopters of this technology as this will be a necessity in the near future,” added Mr.Falaknaz.

“The objective of augmented reality is to add information and meaning to a real object or place. Unlike virtual reality, augmented reality does not create a simulation of reality. Instead, it takes a real object or space as the foundation and incorporates technologies that add contextual data to deepen a person’s understanding of the subject. Customers can try out a watch on their wrist, check out a costume or find out about promotions, submit feedback on products, read customer reviews, view past purchasing histories and share what they have discovered with their friends via social media and mobile phone integration. Augmented reality is a win-win situation for both the merchandiser and also the customer. This is an ideal solution when you look at the number of global brands in the region,”
said Mr. Abdul Rahman Falaknaz, Chairman of IEC.

The ‘SGI 2013′ show will be held from January 20th to 22nd at the Dubai International Exhibition Centre. Over 400 exhibitors from across 30 countries were present at the show in 2012.

Source Article from http://www.ameinfo.com/digital-signages-augmented-reality-feature-redefine-308275

(via http://www.joboord.com/?p=70039)