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拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

Augmented-reality rope lets you team up to fly a kite - ロープと加速度センサーと#AR技術を使用した凧揚げ

There might not be controller as general as the game controller. However, it is clear to often sacrifice the absorption feeling to the game. For instance, kiteflying. The kite of the string has adhered previously actually. Still, it can naturally enjoy an operation near it. It was achieved by the graduate school. 


Hands-free controllers like Kinect may not be ideal for all video games. If you were to fly a virtual kite, wouldn't you want to hold something tangible?

Now a new game called Rope Revolution, developed by graduate student Lining Yao and colleagues at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, uses an augmented-reality rope to allow players to fly a kite, ride a horse or skip with a partner across the globe.

The rope controller recognises various gestures, using a sensor in the wall attachment and an accelerometer built into the rope handle. For the kite flying game, the sensor is key to determining the position of the rope within the space, whereas the accelerometer is more important for jump rope to identify rotational motion. The system also generates rope resistance to make the virtual experience feel lifelike.

(via http://www.newscientist.com/blogs/nstv/2012/02/augmented-reality-rope-lets-you-team-up-to-fly-a-kite.html)