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拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

Augmented Reality: Synthetic Poster Insertion - トラッキングの状態が目で見て分かる#ARデモ

In the image recognition of AR, the conversation "Characteristic" is often done. Demonstration strike ration to which this characteristic is in real time analyzed, and picture that doesn't exist there displays it. The analysis of the characteristic is understood well. 


This video showcases the application of our latest algorithm (published in CVPR 2012) for synthetic poster insertion into a video stream. Our algorithm detects multiple homographies (roughly, planar structures) given a set of point matches across two frames in the video, which allows us to establish the proper geometry for photo-realistic insertion of synthetic posters.

A major advantage of our approach is the ability of automatically decide the appropriate number of available planar structures, and the high efficiency of the algorithm (less than 1s per frame).

Our algorithm is described here:
T. Pham, T.-J. Chin, J. Yu, and D. Suter
The Random Cluster Model for Robust Geometric Fitting
In Proceedings of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2012, Providence, Rhode Island, USA.

Download code and paper from http://cs.adelaide.edu.au/~tjchin.

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