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#Pokemon Dream Radar, Pokedex 3D Pro coming to North American 3DS this fall #AR


The two eShop-based Pokemon games announced during the last Nintendo Direct are coming to 3DSes in North America this fall. Pokemon Dream Radar is a pseudo-shooting game in which players move their 3DSes around to find Pokemon hiding in augmented-reality environments, then catch them by shooting. Pokemon caught in this game, including "some hard-to-get Pokemon," can be transferred into Black 2 and White 2.

Pokedex 3D Pro is an upgraded version of the free Pokedex 3D app, with "detailed information about the more than 600 Pokémon featured in the history of the Pokémon video game series." Unlike Pokedex 3D, which hid many of its contents behind AR markers, everyone is unlocked from the start.

Pricing information was not announced for North America, but Dream Radar and Pokedex 3D Pro sell for 300 yen ($3.75) and 1,500 yen ($18.77) in Japan respectively. Is ultimatePokemon knowledge worth $18 to you?

(via http://www.joystiq.com/2012/05/15/pokemon-dream-radar-pokedex-3d-pro-coming-to-north-american-3ds/)