xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

Designer Joline Jolink Connects Fashion use AR -ファッション雑誌から商品購入までをARで


紙媒体は決して無くならないが、印刷の量は確実に減少している。少ない紙面をきっかけとして有益な情報を提供したり、商品の購入してもらうためにはどうしたら良いか。その1つが今普及しつつある画像検索による方式だ。Aurasma,Vuforia,SLAM,Layar,junaioなどがなど多々技術が有るが、ここで紹介するのはLaya Visionを使用した画像認識技術だ。アプリを起動してカメラを写真にかざことにより、商品詳細ページや、Twitterのページが表示されるようにできている。

Readers of Jackie magazine will find a nice addition to one of the magazine's interviews in the current issue on newsstands today.

Dutch fashion designer Joline Jolink is profiled by Jackie in the magazine's Style Files section, and she managed to include Layar alongside her interview. In her own words, here's Joline's take on how this collaboration came together.

"The magazine contacted me for the style page. I was immediately thrilled about the possibilities to use Layar on my images in magazines. They will make the step so much easier for women to explore my online store after seeing a publication," she says.

"So, when Jackie asked for text and images, I offered them a picture of one of my favourite looks with the Layar logo in the corner." 

The image Joline provided shows off her "summer must-have look," and has been enhanced with Layar. Scanning the image shows a few simple buttons: one to Tweet about the look and another which links to Joline's online shop to buy the items. It's a really simple implementation, but it's very effective for bringing readers of Jackie directly to a place where they can buy the items.

(via & more http://www.layar.com/blog/2012/05/01/joline-jolink-jackie-magazine/)