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Universal marks centenary by bringing Blu-ray sleeves to life - ビルの外観でも認識するAR



Some of London’s most famous landmarks have been given a starring role in a new campaign to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Universal Pictures (UK).

The film giant has teamed up with Aurasma to create a range of 15 ‘Augmented Reality’ DVD and Blu-rays which go on sale from Monday 23rd April.

Each film features a special sleeve which bursts into life when users of the Universal 100 app – available for iOS and Android users – point their device at the sleeve.

To mark the range’s launch some of Universal’s most iconic characters can also be seen flying, climbing and roaring around three London landmarks by using the map built into the app and pointing the device in the right direction.

Fans of Back to the Future can witness the time-travelling DeLorean soar overhead by pointing their device at Big Ben from Westminster Bridge.

(via http://www.seenit.co.uk/universal-marks-centenary-by-bringing-blu-ray-sleeves-to-life/0418916/)