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Education with Augmented Reality: AR textbooks released in Japan (video) - 海外で紹介されたAR機能付き教科書 #AR


Summary: A Tokyo publishing company has released textbooks that support Augmented Reality on smartphones. With apps downloadable for free, this textbook displays how AR might be a more practical choice than an iPad for classroom tech.

Although the idea of an iPad for every student may struggle to come to fruition for a few years,Augmented Reality textbooks are paving the way for a smooth transition.

Japanese publishing company Tokyo Shoseki is producing textbooks that support AR apps on smartphones, bringing characters to life for students to listen to.

The textbooks, part of an English course called New Horizon, are intended for adults looking to study English at a high school level again.

By using a smartphone students can interact with the textbook in a different way.

(via & more  http://www.zdnet.com/blog/asia/education-with-augmented-reality-ar-textbooks-released-in-japan-video/1541)
