xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

ARサイネージでダンス - [宇萌數位]2012安麗益之源盃●美女球星●邀您一起show dance! #AR

Digital signage type AR that can dance with famous entertainer in Taiwan. Here, it seems to display the dancer recognizing three markers. Type that is not type of National Geographic etc. that can be easily achieved. 


「宇萌數位科技」本著卓越之創新研發精神,以AR擴增實境技術開創國內創新的科技互動體驗,獲得第18屆創新研究獎,首度與「安利益之源盃」合作共同打造擴增實境式(Au­gmented Reality)「純粹靚技」球星粉絲見面會,特別邀請三位台灣超人氣球星「大眼妹」周婕妤、「小妹」蔡佩真、「幸福小慧星」賴慧珊,藉由擴增實境虛實合一的特色,讓粉絲­也能近距離與球星們互動,一探球星可愛活潑俏皮的一面!

球 星們賽場show技術,西門町與您show dance,為了替今年撞球賽事暖身,安麗益之源盃特別於3/11(日)下午兩點,於「西門町武昌誠品前人行步道」上,舉辦「純粹靚技」球星拍照見面會, 現場利用AR Mark挑選出最喜歡的球星,球星將有如魔法般的現身與您一起歡樂共舞!歡樂的時光總是過得特別快,跳完舞還可與美麗的球星拍照,留下美麗快樂的回憶,照 片將上傳至「安麗­愛生活俱樂部」粉絲團,同時將夢幻愉悅的一刻分享出去!


ARPlanet Company is engaging in the total solution with interactive technology、digital contents and marketing integrations. The company develops the global newest interactive platform and marketing application using augmented reality technology (AR). With AR, users can dynamically play with 3D contents through a webcam in real-time via networking. Using Augmented Reality technology, ARPlanet already create two successful platforms- Book school and 3D magic Card and enter into education and social market.
ARPlanet company is one of the leading companies which develop the newest marketing event with interactive body-sense augmented reality(AR) technology. The customers of ARPlanet include well-known brands such as Oglivy、Taishin bank、LG、JP morgan、motorolaAsusNissan、Davidoff etc.

(via YouTube by  )