xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

First Augmented Reality recruitment feature for KAUST, by Naturejobs, in association with Inition. #AR

KAUST大学と企業が共同で制作した、KAUST大学のキャンパスや大学を説明するためのARのようだ。インタラクティブに楽しむっことができる、 iOS向けのアプリ。このような効果的な利用方法が今後増えていくことが予想される。

Welcome to a run-through video of the Augmented Reality app developed by KAUST University (www.kaust.edu.sa), in association with Inition (www.inition.co.uk)and Naturejobs (www.naturejobs.com).

Augmented reality enables you to enhance the physical world around you using your smartphone, tablet or other device. With KAUST's new augmented reality app, you can explore our career opportunities by interacting with a 3D model of the KAUST campus that was published in a print advert in Nature.

KAUST, one of Saudi Arabia's leading universities, has a clear vision for the future - to be a globally renowned graduate research university that makes a significant contribution to scientific and technological advancement and plays a crucial role in the development of Saudi Arabia and the world.

To turn this vision into reality they are expanding their international workforce. To see why you should consider KAUST as your next career destination, download the new KAUST app and explore their opportunities in augmented reality.

(via YouTube by  )