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無料で利用できる顔認識KLIK - Free Facial Recognition With KLIK

KLIKは、アルタイムで友達をタグ付けできる顔認識カメラアプリとのこと。KLIK Facebookのアカウントを取得し、iOS 4.3以上で動作する。face.comの技術を利用した期待できるアプリだ。


KLIK is a camera app that uses face recognition to let you quickly tag your friends in real-time.
* Note: KLIK requires a Facebook account, and iOS 4.3 or above.
Fire up KLIK and watch as your friends' names instantly appear next to their faces before or after you snap a photo. If KLIK doesn't recognize a face - snap a photo, tap "Tag Me" over unrecognized faces to pick a name, and then save the photo (no need to share). The more photos you save, the better KLIK gets.
When you're not taking photos, check out the feeds for nearby, friend and your photos.
We still have lots of work getting this app to work just right, and we'd love to get your feedback at http://klik.me/support


I never forget a face. Neither, apparently, does my iPhoneKLIK, the exciting new app from Face.com, can automatically recognize faces through the smart phone’s camera. Free Facial Recognition With KLIK: Point Your Phone At Friends, It Knows Who They AreJust open the app, take a photo, and KLIK will search through previous pics to correctly tag the face(s). If linked to a Facebook account KLIK becomes even more powerful, correctly identifying friends based on their shared photos. KLIK is so fast that, with a good internet connection, it can accurately identify someone before a picture is taken. Not only that, but it’s absolutely free!

After downloading the app on an iPhone 3S and testing it for several days, this writer is amazed at how quick and accurate KLIK can be…when it works. There are definite bugs to be worked out of the system. Still, Face.com’s foray into mobile facial recognition for social media is stunning when it succeeds, and its launch hints at the absurd power this technology will have in the very near future.

As Singularity Hub has discussed in the past,Face.com is a well known innovator when it comes to facial recognition. They are one of the leading sources (if not THE source) of facial recognition on Facebook, and their API allows for a wide range of applications. Automatic tagging of photos, locating faces for photo manipulation,even characterizing faces by their apparent emotions – Face.com can do it all, and it can do it very well. So well, in fact, that their technology has been used to help identify ‘anonymous’ looters from the most recent London riots. While Face.com technology isn’t fool proof when transforming blurry surveillance footage into quality court room evidence, it is remarkably powerful when dealing with the high quality pics taken by smart phones.

(via & more http://www.awaken.com/2012/02/free-facial-recognition-with-klik-point-your-phone-at-friends-it-knows-who-they-are/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=free-facial-recognition-with-klik-point-your-phone-at-friends-it-knows-who-they-are)