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消防士が事故現場で使用するARマスク- Video New SCBA technology gives firefighters 'bionic' vision ( must see) #AR


AR defense mask with built-in HMD that fireman uses on site of a fire etc. of introduction before. Information is all on the site of the life rescue. I think that it is a wonderful item. 

SAVANNAH, Ga. — A new technology for SCBA masks gives firefighters "bionic" vision.

Tanagram's Augmented Reality mask helps firefighters "see" even in dark, smoky conditions, according to a CNN "Start Small, Think Big" report.

The video below shows how the technology provides firefighters with data about their surroundings, including oxygen levels, temperatures, possible contaminants, exit paths, and even video of the other members in their team.
"Our job was really to kind of give [firefighters] back their senses," inventor Joseph Juhnke says in the video. "All they have to do is put [the mask] on."

(via YouTube by  )