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期待できそうなスマートフォン向け翻訳機能 - Augmented Reality App Instantly Translates Foreign Text On Signs, Menus #AR

日本企業のオムロンから、期待できそうなスマートフォン向け翻訳アプリが登場するかもしれない。海外に行ったときなど、とても重宝しそうだ。もちろん、日本に来る観光客にとっても同様だろう。随分前にリリースされている有料のWord Lensとも似てるかな。

The translation application program for the smart phone that can be expected might appear from Omron of Japanese firm. When going to foreign countries, it seems to find it useful very much. Of course, it might be similar for the tourist who comes to Japan. 

If you ever wanted to be able to read text on a street sign or on a menu in a restaurant when abroad, your smartphone might be able to help you soon. Japanese electronics company Omronhas developed a smartphone application that can instantly translate (short) foreign texts you come across – firing up the app and pointing the phone’s camera at the text in question is enough.

Omron says that in its current form, the app (which isn’t available yet) can handle English, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese. Translations are superimposed over the text shown on the display (in the picture below, you can see three items on a Korean menu shown in yellow Japanese letters).

Word Lens is a very similar app (available for iOS), and in fact, Japanese companies have been working on mobile translation solutions like this for years.

(via & more http://techcrunch.com/2012/01/04/japan-omron-augmented-reality-translation-app/)