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拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

Total Immersion Helps Bring Augmented Reality To Intel Chipsets #AR


Intel has collaborated with Total Immersion to work on adding augmented reality to its semiconductor chips.

Total Immersion, the pioneer and global leader in Augmented Reality (AR), is now taking part of Intel’s initiative to include the technology into chipsets.

In a speech given at Reuters Global Media Summit, Total Immersion Marketing head Antoine Brachet announced the partnership with the chipmaker but declined modestly to give a specific date for commercial products to appear.

In March, Intel took a stake in Total Immersion through its investment arm, which led to a $5.5 million funding round in the firm.

“What we are doing together with Intel is working on their chipset…so inside the chipset you can have some AR features, like gesture recognition that can be transferred from software to hardware,” Brachet added.

(via http://socialbarrel.com/total-immersion-helps-bring-augmented-reality-to-intel-chipsets/28260/)