xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

TESCO のARを使用した一歩先を行く販売戦略 - The sales strategy which goes the one-step beyond which uses AR of TESCO #AR #TESCO

英国の最大のスーパーマーケット・チェーン TESCO は、特定の製品の訴求を目的として、オンラインショップではもちろんのこと、店内でもARを使用した商品販売支援の試みを開始したようだ。


Peering into Tesco's augmented reality

Tesco expects to run the trials to the end of the year, with weekly checks on how it is going. The in-store programme uses the same augmented reality tool provided on Tesco's website, with the technology provided by Kishino.

The UK’s largest supermarket chain has started a trial of augmented reality technology in its stores, aiming to bring certain products to life and save on shelf space. From today shoppers will be able to hold a Tesco Direct catalogue or a product key up to webcams in the supermarket aisles, and generate life-size 3D projections of products to learn about their specifications before making a purchase.

via Tesco Augments Reality By Laura Elliott


Tesco incorporates augmented reality into stores

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Tesco trials 3D technology