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拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

脳波でPC上の3Dヘリコプターの動作をコントロール - Three Dimensional Control of a Virtual Helicopter Using a Motor Imagery Based Brain Computer

ミネソタ大学の神経科学者技術者のクラックチームは、人が3D空間内を移動するための第一の脳 - コンピュータインターフェース(BCI)を作成した。5分以内に11個の連続するリングを通り抜けて飛ぶテストが行われた。何名かのテスターがテストしたところ、被験者は85%の成功率でランダムに配置されたリングを通して、そして適切な速度で仮想ヘリコプターを飛ばしたという。

(via YoTube by  )

A crack team of neuroscientist engineers from the University of Minnesota have created the first brain-computer interface (BCI) that allows the human user to navigate a 3D space. In testing, subjects flew a virtual helicopter through randomly-placed rings with an 85% success rate, and at an impressive speed: some testers managed to fly through 11 consecutive rings within five minutes. If you want to see it for yourself, there’s a video embedded below.

Just like the BCI-controlled bicycles and carsthat we covered back in August, the Minnesota team used an EEG cap – a net of 64 electrodes on the scalp that measure brain waves — and some complex software to work out, in real time, what maneuver the helicopter pilot is trying to perform. To do this, each test subject had to train the system to his individual brain waves by repeatedly moving a cursor on a screen, by thinking about moving his arms, legs, and tongue. The software was also slightly customized for each subject, to increase accuracy.

(via http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/102927-brain-computer-interfaces-creep-closer-to-bionic-mecha-dream)