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拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

Parrot AR.Drone Radio Control Quadricopter with Orange and Green Outdoor Hull #AR #AR.Drone

話題が絶えない、大人のためのAR玩具 Parrot社の AR.Drone

The AR.Drone remote-control quadricopter is a groundbreaking device combining the best of many worlds including modeling video gaming and augmented reality. The AR.Drone is remote---AR.Drone Detailscontrolled by an iPhone and features a number of sensors including a front camera vertical camera and an ultrasound altimeter. The AR.Drone can also be used in video games such as AR.FlyingAce a dogfight between two AR.Drones.----A groundbreaking device combining the best of many worlds including modeling video gaming and augmented reality. Click to enlarge.--The First Quadricopter Controlled by iPhone/iPod touch/iPad----Control with Your Apple Device--Thanks to its on-board Wi-Fi system you can control the Parrot AR.Drone using an iPhone iPod touch or iPad.----The Parrot AR.Drone--The AR.Drone is the first quadricopter that can be controlled by an iPhone iPod touch or iPad.----High-technology Sensors Offer Simple Piloting

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