xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

Unsere Plakate sprechen: Die iPhone App - 選挙のためのARアプリ #AR

ベルリンの緑の党 - 選挙のための...ビジョンベースのiPhone向けアプリ。選挙看板にスマートフォンをかざすと動画等が表示されるようだ。ドイツということもあってか、metaio社のjunaioが使用されている。

Richte Deine Kamera auf Wahlplakate in der Stadt und unsere App zeigt Dir automatisch ein Video zum Thema des Plakats. Über unsere sprechenden Plakate erfährst Du mehr über unsere Ideen zu Bildung, Arbeit, Klimaschutz, Mobilität und Mieten. Direkte, mobile Demokratie für Berlin - mach mit und lade Dir hier über iTunes unsere kostenfreie App herunter! Einfach im iTunes Store nach "Grüne Berlin", "Künast" oder "Da müssen wir ran" suchen, kostenfreie App aus iPhone laden und den ersten Augmented Reality-Wahlkampf in Berlin erleben!
(via YouTube)

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 Go Green with Augmented Reality)

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The most prominent national environmentally-aligned political party in the world, the German Green Party, saw its Berlin chapter announce a groundbreaking mobile app today that allows supporters to discuss environmental issues around the city and brings party billboards to life using Augmented Reality. I think it's pretty cool.
 The mobile app allows users to create, view as overlays on their mobile camera viewer and discuss Points of Interest regarding environmental problems and solutions around the city. The app can also be pointed at Green Party billboards, which will trigger the launch of a mobile video message from party candidates discussing the issues depicted on the billboards, but in greater depth. Check out the videos below, I think this is one of the coolest uses of Augmented Reality I've seen yet.
 (via &more... New Mobile App Makes Billboards Talk About European Politics)