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The Augmented Reality Korean Unification Project -- Uniting Korea with #AR


The Augmented Reality Korean Unification Project

***shown is a "visualization" of the project working. Live footage will be captured during the month of August and posted. Augments do currently exist at the Korean DMZ so bring your iPhone and send me a picture! 

The Augmented Reality Korean Unification Project unites North and South Korea with augmented reality [AR]. The project tries to heal the scars left by years of conflict in the Korean peninsula by removing the Korean Demilitarized Zone [DMZ] and returning it to its natural state before Korea was divided. The public may view Korea as a unified country as it once was. The AR Korean Unification Project removes weapons, checkpoints, fortifications, barriers, walls, and all reminders of the ongoing conflict from the Korean landscape.

This project is being developed by Mark Skwarek and uses erasAR technology.