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拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

Explore Roman London With New App - ロンドン博物館の歴史を散策する位置情報連動型ARアプリ #AR


The Museum of London, in cahoots with HISTORY channel, has released a new app that lets you explore Londinium, the Roman progenitor of London. It’s good. Very good.Features of interest are marked with pins, which call up photos, reconstructions and short video clips. The dig function is a fun little gimmick, which allows you to slowly unearth treasures by rubbing your finger over the screen, or clearing the dust by blowing into the microphone. Finally, there’s an augmented reality dimension, which superimposes old buildings over the camera view.

Streetmuseum Londinium is out now for iPhone, iPad and iPod. FREE

You want to know the best thing? It’s completely free to download from the iTunes app store. Outstanding.

(via http://londonist.com/2011/07/explore-roman-london-with-new-app.php?showpage=4#gallery-1)