xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

先に見える道を分り易く示してくれるナビゲーションAR - #TapNav Augmented Reality Navigation App Reads a Lane Ahead #AR

TopNavi は、自動車で運転している先の道を分り易く示してくれる優れもののようだ。実際どのくらいの精度が出せるのだろう。

Ugly, plain and iPhone-only, though TapNav during slightest pays courtesy to a highway ahead TapNav is an arriving protracted existence (AR) navigation app from mSonar. Unlike other AR navigation systems, that only conceal information onto a camera’s live feed formed on GPS and compass positions, TapNav indeed reads a submit from a camera. This allows it to offer some services that vanilla GPS can’t. Like other AR apps, TapNav shows we a highway forward and overlays your route.
This helps we fast see where we are ostensible to be going, though carrying to decode a 3-D illustration in your brain. This looks flattering cold (although right now a screenshots uncover that a graphics are rather blocky), though a destiny skeleton demeanour even better.
Because it reads a picture of a line forward during 29fps, TapNav will be means to conflict to a highway conditions. Thus, an refurbish promises line showing (with an alarm if we deposit off your line), and stretch showing to keep we divided from a car in front.

(via & more http://tech.jetjoin.com/2011/06/22/tapnav-augmented-reality-navigation-app-reads-the-lane-ahead/)