xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

ハイネケン・ミュージックホールで ARを使用したイベントが開催された - Augmented Reality at the Heineken Music Hall. Exclusive Report #AR #FLARToolKit #junaio

FLARToolKit や junaio を使用し、様々なARの技術を使用して来場者を楽しませてくれたようだ。

On the 24th of March 2011, TAB Worldmedia launched an exclusive augmented media project for the 10th year anniversary of the Heineken Music Hall in Amsterdam. 

Several weeks before the event V.I.P. guests received a personal augmented invitation from the Managing Director. At the event the guest were given an augmented welcome at the entrance. 15 hosts from Heineken Music Hall were dedicated to introduce the guests to an augmented photo exhibition. Almost 100 exclusive concert photos (2x3m) are part of a mobile popquiz and about 10 concert photos are given an extra augmented treat with Junaio augmented reality. 

Augmented Media:
- Web based Augmented Realtiy FLAR
- Kiosk Augmented Reality FLAR
- Mobile QR codes + TAB Worldmedia mobile web platform.
- Mobile augmented reality on Junaio

Case by: TAB Worldmedia
Concept: Remco Vroom & Johannes la Poutre
Creative execution: Remco Vroom
Technical execution: Johannes la Poutre


(via YouTube)