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アンダーウェアで有名な Calvin Klein が 大々的にデジタルキャンペーンを実施する - ck one unveils brand’s first global advertising campaign #AR

際どい広告でキャンペーンを繰り広げるCalvin Klein。春に向けてSNSやARを使用したキャンペーンを実施するようだ。


US. Calvin Klein Inc, a wholly owned subsidiary of Phillips-Van Heusen Corp, along with Calvin Klein Fragrances, a unit of Coty Prestige, and Warnaco Inc, which owns and operates Calvin Klein Underwear and is the global licensee for Calvin Klein Jeans and Swimwear, today unveils the ck one Spring 2011 global advertising campaign experience.

Said to build on the “iconic visual legacy of the brand”, the inaugural advertising campaign for the new ck one brand lifestyle lines makes its debut today, 23 February. The full reveal will take place on 1 March across multiple digitally integrated platforms – online, mobile, print, and outdoor – all linked by dynamic creative.


The campaign will be supported with custom mobile applications (iPhone, Android, and Symbian) with exclusive campaign content; global social media integration; and robust AR (Augmented Reality) programmes with cutting edge image recognition technology (no code necessary).

Source: ©The Moodie Report
By Rebecca Mann, Associate Editor

( via & more www.moodiereport.com - http://www.moodiereport.com/document.php?c_id=29&doc_id=26556 )