xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

Augmented Reality Markerless Support Kit - ARmsk #AR

Andoroid 向け マーカレストラッキングで利用可能な AR SDK - ARmsk 

An open source augmented reality API for android.ARmsk or Augmented Reality Markerless Support Kit is a powerful toolkit for development of marker-less augmented reality applications for the android platform. It’s a free open source project which is published under the GPLv3 license.

The future is markerlessThe main feature of ARmsk is that we use user defined images as tracking objects instead of the classic black and white markers which faciliates the integration of augmented reality in applications and in everyday life.

Find out more about ARmsk here....
FeaturesARmsk API version 0.4 (alpha) Markerless Augmented Reality for Android OS
 -User defined image marker
 -Camera stream handler
 -Feature detection
 -Descriptor extraction and matching
 -Pose estimation ◦3D rendering

via http://armsk.org/